Sunday, October 9, 2011

Instrumentals of Your Style

Do you know what your rap style is? Are you a new school biggie or the next new star like Drake or J Cole? Or are you the next original to cultivate your own style that everyone after you will try and copy. Take Drake for example. Almost all the instrumentals that he raps on include a low pass filtered beat. Wether it be the just the drums or the whole beat he uses this effect very often and has become a staple of his music. What is it that you are going to make your staple. Can you possible find a new effect to add to your instrumentals or even your vocals that set you apart from everyone else? How about breaking the status quo and switching up the typical hook, verse, bridge line up. In the next track you record where you have access to the producer or to the tracked out version of the beat why don’t you try something a little different and see what you can come up with.

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Instrumental Beats